Brandon Jon
Well Brandon is quite the growing boy these days. At his 4 month check up he clocked in at 15 pound, 3 pounds shy of Brooke at age 1 year. To keep up with his intense feeding schedule he recently began waking up every hour or two at night (more than he ever did as a newborn). Mommy is just thrilled about that! Also at his 4 month check up the Doctor gave him the nickname of Mayor because he was so social and smiled at just about everyone. He has also found his voice this month, jabbering and talking or yelling as Brooke calls it, at his toys and anyone who will pay attention.
Brooke Elizabeth
While Mommy is disgusted with the infestation of gypsy moth caterpillars, Brooke is quite enthralled by it. She thinks that it is normal to wake up from nap every day and go outside to find 10-15 caterpillars crawling on the outside of the house. We have a bug hut too keep all of them close by (mommy and daddy open it each night to release the frightened insects). In a few short hours of playing with them Brooke learned what “Don’t squish them” meant. And she also learned to get rid of the ones that were “sleeping”. One afternoon as one tried to escape the bug hut, Brooke frantically tried to close it so he couldn’t get out. Needless to say, one caterpillar turned into two…. As I told Brooke I think he got squished, she replied with, “He’s not squished Mommy….he’s happy”. Beware of Kacee because she is also quite fond of these things and she tries to steal and eat them from Brooke. Needless to say Mommy will be very glad when this infestation is over!!