Brooke Elizabeth
This month ended with the first “sick” visit for Brooke in about a year and a half. One tube left and two infected ears she is on a round of meds. She is taking this lingering cold quite well, besides a little crankiness here and there. She has become quite a pro at asking for a nose wipe….we are trying to perfect, “I’d like a nose wipe please” but is always come out “I have boogies please”. At least she is getting the please part right. Hopefully we are not in for round 2 of ear tubes. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Brandon Jon
Five months and counting. We have been attempting to sit this month however he chooses the most inopportune time to try to sit…for example: when he is strapped into his car seat. It is fun to try in the boppy or on the couch because he is still quite wobbly. Things around the house have been must easier this month because he is very interested in what his big sister is doing these days. He follows her all around the room with his eyes which is usually followed with “he is looking at me” stated by Brooke. It is nice when they entertain each other, expect for when he has a toy Brooke would like. She has also been quick to learn how to bring a toy to Brandon in order to trade for the one that he has… slowly begins…..