I don't think Brooke has professional golfing in her future. In LBI we went mini golfing and she had a blast playing with a purple ball of course. She was even the first kid to put her ball in the last hole that takes the ball away for good, but on every single other hole, she ran across the green, put her ball about 3 inches away from the hole and tapped it in. If only it were so easy!
Hello from the Ergo! Forget taking turns! Running to find the hole The flash makes this cave look a lot less spooky! Not a fan of possibly getting splashed
Our household is one that uses the dreaded "time-out". The past few weeks time-outs have turned some what comical....once the crying and screaming from the time-out chair stops.
You may ask why it is sort of funny these days....well recently, as soon as I leave Brooke in the time-out chair, Brandon walks over, points at Brooke, says no.....and walks away.
It may not seem that funny but when you see it in person, is it incredibly hard not to laugh.
Today we went to Camel Beach in Tannersville, PA. Tracy wasn't able to make to OBX so we wanted to get a chance to see her this month too. We picked the perfect day this week because it was actually a little cooler and somewhat cloudy, so it wasn't all that crowded....where we were playing anyway.
Brandon was a little reserved at first, but warmed up to everything. By our 4th hour there I would say the kids were finally completely warmed up to the whole idea. They definitely had a blast and didn't want to leave. They were getting completely wet, letting their faces get splashed and running around with smiles on their faces (the camera was away at this point)....of course it was all fun and games until Brandon fell and bumped his head. He was going so fast that he tried to stop himself with his hands, but still tipped over and bumped his head a little. Thank goodness he had his hat on, because ti softened the impact a little bit. But still...3PM, no nap, he wasn't going to recover, so we packed up.
OBX was awesome this year, once we finally got there... All things considered the kids did great on out TEN hour car ride. Once we got there, the house was great, pool was warm, so we took advantage of it...The kids loved the pool and their most favorite part of the house was the sliding glass doors. We only had pinched fingers once.
The ocean was a different story. Brandon did not like it AT ALL and Brooke was more reserved than normal. Eventually they warmed up to it though...thank goodness. I think the first few days Brandon was cranky because he was just TOO hot. It was 100 the first few days and I think it was just too much for him. By the last day, Brandon was running for the water and Brooke was jumping in it too.
After a botched 2nd swimming lesson (haven't blogged yet) we spent a lot of time in the pool with Brooke. After about the first day, she was swimming on her own in her swim vest which was a relief to me and she loved all the attention she got for it too!
Brandon woke up every morning at 6 because our room was so light which wasn't fun but I survived and he did too. Brooke was a great sleeper as usual for us.
We ate well, has tons of fun, all in good company....So glad we have renewed the tradition and can't wait for next year.