Monday, August 22, 2011

20 Weeks

Pre-pregnancy weight 118
8 Weeks: 119 +1
12 Weeks: 122 +3
16.3 Weeks: 125 +3
20.3 Weeks: 128 +3
Total: +10

Blood pressure was fine.  Not sure the reading, the nurse didn't say and I didn't ask.
Heart Rate this week was 144
The picture above was taken at 20weeks, in the morning.  For fun go back to the 19 week post and check out the picture at night!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Level 2/ Second Trimester Ultrasound

Let me just start by saying, I was incredibly anxious for this appointment.  I had managed to keep my mind busy for the most part until the day before, then I couldn't stop worrying about what they may or may not find.

It was good news.

Every single measurement that they took was 100% normal.  They did not find any down syndrome markers either.  The technician and the doctor spent quite a bit of time looking at the heart for the the defect that is most common in babies with down syndrome and all they saw was a perfect little heart.  The placenta looked great, it was the appropriate size and the baby was measuring in at 11oz, which is actually on the larger side of normal.  While all of these positive findings are reassuring, they don't rule out the chance of down syndrome, but the doctor said at this point they can typically identify 90+ percent of chromosomally abnormal babies.  So again, no diagnosis, nothing 100 percent, but we couldn't have asked for better results at this point.

Where do we go from hear?  I head back for ultrasounds at 26, 30 and 34 weeks to monitor the possibility of IUGR and any othe low PAPP-A issues.  Hopefully this little baby will keep on growing!  At this point they really won't look for any DS markers or anything, so we will find out for sure when the baby is born when it comes to that.

Does the 4D picture look like a boy or girl??  (We didn't find out)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

19 Weeks

19 weeks as of 8/12
Feeling the baby move all the time these days.  Our big ultrasound is tomorrow and we are hoping for good news.   For now here is a picture of my belly.  Next time I'm going to take it in the morning :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

62 Sunset Drive

I went back home this past weekend, on a last minute trip for a few reasons.  I missed my family from the OBX trip, a viewing at St. Pats, and to let the kids get some more pool time in.  While I was here, I was able to take some pictures of the kids playing on of the same trees on the side of the house that I did as a child.  Some limbs have been trimmed (one of my favorites as a kid), so it's not quite the same, but still pretty wonderful to be able to do something like this.