Well, Brooke was very impressed with the turn out in Christmas cards that came to our house this year, however, she was quite upset by the cards that had "no music in there". She was very excited about all of the cards that Daddy brought inside until she realized the majority did not play music. Thanks to those of you who did send the music cards. They are now on Brooke's bookshelf!
Christmas dinner was at the Harm's household and went very well. We even got Brooke to eat some ham by telling her it was a hotdog!
The day after Christmas we went to PA to celebrate with my side of the family. At this point (round 3) Brooke was really getting the hang of presents and opening gifts. She got it so well that when she opened an outfit from Aunt Tracy she screamed "No Thank You" and started pushing it away. Atleast she was polite. She still was not thrilled the next time she opened clothes even after being warned that it wasn't a toy. Next time mommy will open the gifts that are not toys!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
This month has been an exciting month with Brooke starting to repeat everything that Mommy and Daddy say. A few favorite phrases are "no spider up there"(mommy has spider issues), "Achoo Daddy" (we all had a cold this month), "No Please" (she means no thank you) and "no thank you kitty cat". When you ask her what she would like for breakfast, her favorite answer is "hotdog", followed by "fishies". We can't wait to see what the next few months bring.
Her thanksgiving came and went without much excitement. She tried turkey but preferred dipping her croisant into her mashed potatoes. She also enjoyed pumpkin chocolate chip bread pudding.
Brooke even ventured out with Aunt Tracy and Mommy for her first black friday shopping experience. She was a little cranky shopping, but we will blame that on the cold she was fighting all weekend.
Her thanksgiving came and went without much excitement. She tried turkey but preferred dipping her croisant into her mashed potatoes. She also enjoyed pumpkin chocolate chip bread pudding.
Brooke even ventured out with Aunt Tracy and Mommy for her first black friday shopping experience. She was a little cranky shopping, but we will blame that on the cold she was fighting all weekend.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Well this halloween was quite an exciting one. Brooke loved the idea of trick-or-treating, especially at the houses that had dogs. Forget the candy, she just liked to see the dogs. Luckily the house she let herself into to see the barking dog in the kitchen was a friend's, so it wasn't too awkard.
Our halloween evening was cut short after Emily spotted the biggest black bear we had ever seen right in our path to the next house. After we thought it was safe we crossed the street, away from the bear, only to notice that he was headed back into the neighborhood for little trick-or-treating like everyone else. After a few police cars and some shots to scare him away, we called it a night.
Our halloween evening was cut short after Emily spotted the biggest black bear we had ever seen right in our path to the next house. After we thought it was safe we crossed the street, away from the bear, only to notice that he was headed back into the neighborhood for little trick-or-treating like everyone else. After a few police cars and some shots to scare him away, we called it a night.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Fall Is Here
Not that much seems to have happened this month. Sorry for not having too many pictures. Even though there are not a lot of pictures there are a few that may raise some questions.
Why are there pictures of a busted door jam you may ask? Well, while Daddy had just left for work, I was watching Brooke. Brooke's latest habit is closing the door and sitting on the potty. Who doesn't like their privacy? Well needless to say, somehow Brooke managed to lock the door and lock her self in the bathroom.
Do we have a key? Of course not. I tried to remove the door knob. No luck. So I was left with only one option. To remove my work shoes and kick the door down. Thank goodness this house is crap.....it only took 2 kicks and within a few seconds mommy and a somewhat upset Brooke were reuinted.
If you look towards the end of the month, you might notice that Brooke is somewhat obsessed with her baths these days. Well, while mommy left the bathroom to get a new washcloth (for those of you who know our house) I was back in 3 seconds to see that Brooke had decided not to wait for me to put her in the bath, but to hop in on her own, in her clothes.
That pretty much sums it up for this month. Check back next month for pumpkin and halloween pictures!
Why are there pictures of a busted door jam you may ask? Well, while Daddy had just left for work, I was watching Brooke. Brooke's latest habit is closing the door and sitting on the potty. Who doesn't like their privacy? Well needless to say, somehow Brooke managed to lock the door and lock her self in the bathroom.
Do we have a key? Of course not. I tried to remove the door knob. No luck. So I was left with only one option. To remove my work shoes and kick the door down. Thank goodness this house is crap.....it only took 2 kicks and within a few seconds mommy and a somewhat upset Brooke were reuinted.
If you look towards the end of the month, you might notice that Brooke is somewhat obsessed with her baths these days. Well, while mommy left the bathroom to get a new washcloth (for those of you who know our house) I was back in 3 seconds to see that Brooke had decided not to wait for me to put her in the bath, but to hop in on her own, in her clothes.
That pretty much sums it up for this month. Check back next month for pumpkin and halloween pictures!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Summer is Almost Over
Brooke had a big month this month. She enjoyed the Farm and Horse show for the first time. After Daddy made Mommy paranoid about animals gone wild, Mommy and Brooke successful rode and elephant...without ending up on a segment on Animal Planet.
Brooke seemed to start an obsession with shoes this month. No matter what size or who they belong to, she want the shoes on. Hopefully this won't turn into a Jimmy Choo obsession later in life...
Also this month, Brooke survived a whole week without Mommy. While Mommy was off for her MBA in Pittsburgh, Daddy was left to take care of Brooke. I think the majority of people were more worried about Daddy, then about Brooke. Daddy receive offer for help which included offers to take Kacee off his hands and numerous call asking how being Mr. Mom was going.
Well, everyone survived with flying colors even if that meant animal crackers for breakfast every morning.
Brooke seemed to start an obsession with shoes this month. No matter what size or who they belong to, she want the shoes on. Hopefully this won't turn into a Jimmy Choo obsession later in life...
Also this month, Brooke survived a whole week without Mommy. While Mommy was off for her MBA in Pittsburgh, Daddy was left to take care of Brooke. I think the majority of people were more worried about Daddy, then about Brooke. Daddy receive offer for help which included offers to take Kacee off his hands and numerous call asking how being Mr. Mom was going.
Well, everyone survived with flying colors even if that meant animal crackers for breakfast every morning.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
July Updates
For the second year in a row now Brooke has slept through the 4th of July fireworks. This year we were lucky enough to see them from the front porch, while Brooke didn't even move during all the ruckus.
She had my 18 month check up and she is only 22 and a half pounds and 30 inches tall. She has graduated into the 25th percentile for both categories now. As daddy like to points out, She is just about 1/2 mommys height.
I have started playing the "Where's mommy's baby" game with Brooke this month. I proceed to lift of mommy's shirt and aim right for the belly button! (she will get it eventually...I hope!)
She had my 18 month check up and she is only 22 and a half pounds and 30 inches tall. She has graduated into the 25th percentile for both categories now. As daddy like to points out, She is just about 1/2 mommys height.
I have started playing the "Where's mommy's baby" game with Brooke this month. I proceed to lift of mommy's shirt and aim right for the belly button! (she will get it eventually...I hope!)
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Number 2 Is On The Way
So far, this little baby has been giving me a run for my money. It has been a very different pregnancy from the first one, but they are all different. All of the lovely symptoms that accompany pregnancy started much earlier with this one, but it is all worth it in the end.
At 8 weeks (6/20) we got to hear the heartbeat and see everything going on in there. So far everything looks good! The little bean was measuring 8 weeks and 4 days.

At 8 weeks (6/20) we got to hear the heartbeat and see everything going on in there. So far everything looks good! The little bean was measuring 8 weeks and 4 days.
June Updates
Well June was a very big month for Brooke. She had her first boat ride which she absoutely loved, we took our first beach vacation to LBI, and .... Mommy and Daddy told me that her that she was getting a baby brother or baby sister! (Due 1/30/2009)
The boat ride was awesome, PopPop even let her drive! LBI was great too. Her favorite part of the beach was jumping in the water with daddy and playing at the water park (even though when she got to the top of most of the slides she shook her head no, and walked back down the stairs instead of sliding down the slide).
Oh yeah, about that baby brother or sister, Mommy said it is supposed to come in January.
We will see how that goes because at this point she doesn't like sharing my mommy....we will work on that though. If she does have to share her mommy does that mean that she will have to share her toys too?...
The boat ride was awesome, PopPop even let her drive! LBI was great too. Her favorite part of the beach was jumping in the water with daddy and playing at the water park (even though when she got to the top of most of the slides she shook her head no, and walked back down the stairs instead of sliding down the slide).
Oh yeah, about that baby brother or sister, Mommy said it is supposed to come in January.
We will see how that goes because at this point she doesn't like sharing my mommy....we will work on that though. If she does have to share her mommy does that mean that she will have to share her toys too?...
Monday, May 12, 2008
Conceiving and Telling Eric I was Pregnant With #2
Before you get excited this post is about finding out I was pregnant with Brandon (#2), not a #3...............Should be dated MAY 2008, but I am writing about it now:
I told a few people about this, but never wrote it down, but I think it deserves to be written somewhere even though Brooke may hate me for it later.
We were trying to #2 since our wedding in March, so I had been keeping track of my cycle pretty closely. So anyway, I'm glad the Boston Celtics won the conference championship against the Detroit Pistons (2008), because it was my lucky night....and also Brandon's. Just think, if they hadn't won, I would have had a pissed off husband and therefore no Brandon...get me?
It is pretty pathetic that I remember this, but for some reason after having Brooke, the frequency of such events has seemed to decline :) Anyway, it is obvious I got pregnant.
I think it was about 10 or 11 days past my guesstimated ovulation date (28 day cycle), I took on of the cheap dollar store tests. (I had just gone out that weekend and about 10 since I figured I was going to need a few over the next coming months) So I took my first of the 10 test in the morning before work and there was an ever so faint line. It looked like an evaporation line and it was really barely even there. Hearing horror stories of early accuracy on dollar store tests I didn't really think anything of it or get too exited. I did spend a descent amount of time that morning at working looking at poas.com or pee on a stick. com, or some website like that comparing my "line" to other dollar store tests. It is a pretty good reference, but again, I wasn't getting excited or anything.
After telling all of this to my SIL she was freaking out, saying how she would be out buying the expensive test and how she couldn't believe that I wasn't freaking out sitting at work not knowing. Being that it was only 10DPO I figured that even if I took another test, it would probably be negative since it wasn't my morning pee.
Well I guess it kinda work on me, so I went to Cost Cutters in Parsippany and picked up one of the EPT Digital tests. So there I am, in the bathroom at work, peeing on a stick......and PREGNANT....I couldn't believe it. I was sooo excited!!!!
So this takes me to the story of telling Eric. I couldn't come up with something too cute, but I decided to wait until he got home and have Brooke hand him the PG test. He was in the kitchen and off I sent Brooke from the other room with the test saying go take this to Daddy. At this point she was just over a year and on her way to give it to Daddy, she put it in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had put the cap back on and everything, but it was still really gross and really funny at the same time. Eric saw it and after reading it his response was, "What the heck is this"....followed by "I didn't think it was happen that fast" Well, we all know it only takes once. (Married March 15th, last AF was April 25th).
When I say BARELY a line...I really mean it:
Baby Test 10DPO

10DPO-But there are some shadows

EPT Digital-Mid-Morning Pee, 10DPO
I told a few people about this, but never wrote it down, but I think it deserves to be written somewhere even though Brooke may hate me for it later.
We were trying to #2 since our wedding in March, so I had been keeping track of my cycle pretty closely. So anyway, I'm glad the Boston Celtics won the conference championship against the Detroit Pistons (2008), because it was my lucky night....and also Brandon's. Just think, if they hadn't won, I would have had a pissed off husband and therefore no Brandon...get me?
It is pretty pathetic that I remember this, but for some reason after having Brooke, the frequency of such events has seemed to decline :) Anyway, it is obvious I got pregnant.
I think it was about 10 or 11 days past my guesstimated ovulation date (28 day cycle), I took on of the cheap dollar store tests. (I had just gone out that weekend and about 10 since I figured I was going to need a few over the next coming months) So I took my first of the 10 test in the morning before work and there was an ever so faint line. It looked like an evaporation line and it was really barely even there. Hearing horror stories of early accuracy on dollar store tests I didn't really think anything of it or get too exited. I did spend a descent amount of time that morning at working looking at poas.com or pee on a stick. com, or some website like that comparing my "line" to other dollar store tests. It is a pretty good reference, but again, I wasn't getting excited or anything.
After telling all of this to my SIL she was freaking out, saying how she would be out buying the expensive test and how she couldn't believe that I wasn't freaking out sitting at work not knowing. Being that it was only 10DPO I figured that even if I took another test, it would probably be negative since it wasn't my morning pee.
Well I guess it kinda work on me, so I went to Cost Cutters in Parsippany and picked up one of the EPT Digital tests. So there I am, in the bathroom at work, peeing on a stick......and PREGNANT....I couldn't believe it. I was sooo excited!!!!
So this takes me to the story of telling Eric. I couldn't come up with something too cute, but I decided to wait until he got home and have Brooke hand him the PG test. He was in the kitchen and off I sent Brooke from the other room with the test saying go take this to Daddy. At this point she was just over a year and on her way to give it to Daddy, she put it in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had put the cap back on and everything, but it was still really gross and really funny at the same time. Eric saw it and after reading it his response was, "What the heck is this"....followed by "I didn't think it was happen that fast" Well, we all know it only takes once. (Married March 15th, last AF was April 25th).
When I say BARELY a line...I really mean it:
Baby Test 10DPO
10DPO-But there are some shadows
EPT Digital-Mid-Morning Pee, 10DPO
Thursday, May 1, 2008
May Flowers
The month of May flew by. Brooke's favorite past time is being out side, end of story. She gets very upset when she is told that outside is closed for the day. She spends a lot of time out there with the dog and with her sand and water table, minus the water.
She is getting bigger and bigger each day. Her words are getting clearer (mom thinks so), and she is talking more. She moved to her big girl bed this month. (Mom is jealous becaues she didn't have a full size bed until she graduated college.)
She loved her first trip to the zoo (Turtleback Zoo).....eventually. She wasn't so sure at first, but she warmed up to the idea. She "all done'd" the turtle and the carousel, but loved the monkeys and the penguins.
She is getting bigger and bigger each day. Her words are getting clearer (mom thinks so), and she is talking more. She moved to her big girl bed this month. (Mom is jealous becaues she didn't have a full size bed until she graduated college.)
She loved her first trip to the zoo (Turtleback Zoo).....eventually. She wasn't so sure at first, but she warmed up to the idea. She "all done'd" the turtle and the carousel, but loved the monkeys and the penguins.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Showers
Brooke must be the only child that cries when I tell her the dishes are all done. Her latest request includes going up the the kitchen chair and trying to push it to the sink herself to do the dishes with mommy. Give it 10 years and I am sure this will change.
Lately she is obsessed with going outside and does not enjoy it even when we open the door to let the dog out. Aunt Kris thought that the fusses were because she wanted the dog back inside, but no, Brooke just wants out.....all the time!
Since the spring has started, Brooke now looks up in the sky and tries to mutter "bird" but Emma is still he favorite word. We don't know if she thinks of Emma 24/7 or if she just likes saying it. We also learned that the sand in the play table is not for eating (I wish I had my camera to capture that moment).
Brooke enjoyed her first time to the bowling alley. She actually pushed the ball down the lane and then squated there until it hit the pins, watching the ball slowley roll down the lane. Good thing we didn't pay by hour :)
Lately she is obsessed with going outside and does not enjoy it even when we open the door to let the dog out. Aunt Kris thought that the fusses were because she wanted the dog back inside, but no, Brooke just wants out.....all the time!
Since the spring has started, Brooke now looks up in the sky and tries to mutter "bird" but Emma is still he favorite word. We don't know if she thinks of Emma 24/7 or if she just likes saying it. We also learned that the sand in the play table is not for eating (I wish I had my camera to capture that moment).
Brooke enjoyed her first time to the bowling alley. She actually pushed the ball down the lane and then squated there until it hit the pins, watching the ball slowley roll down the lane. Good thing we didn't pay by hour :)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
It's Official
Eric and I finally got married!! It was a long day for Brooke but we all had a great time. Come back in April to see more formal pictures taken by the photographers. As of this month, Brooke is walking and sometimes running all over the place. I guess you could say she is a full time walker trying to get Ty up to speed so they can give Aunt Kris a run for her money. Brooke likes this talking thing but still get confused. Every baby she sees is "TyTy" and every other kid she sees is "EmmaEmma". Some of my other favorite new words are turtle and PopPop. Well she is off to go chase the doggie so I better go!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
1 Year Old Already!
I can't believe Brooke is one already. Time flies when you are having fun. She finally has 2 teeth, as you all could see from the Christmas card, her one bottom tooth was flying solo for quite some time. She is only 18 and a half pounds so she is still riding around in the back of the car facing the "wrong" way. She is taking a few steps here and there but she is not a walker yet. She will be soon though so keep checking back for new pictures and some more updates.
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