I told a few people about this, but never wrote it down, but I think it deserves to be written somewhere even though Brooke may hate me for it later.
We were trying to #2 since our wedding in March, so I had been keeping track of my cycle pretty closely. So anyway, I'm glad the Boston Celtics won the conference championship against the Detroit Pistons (2008), because it was my lucky night....and also Brandon's. Just think, if they hadn't won, I would have had a pissed off husband and therefore no Brandon...get me?
It is pretty pathetic that I remember this, but for some reason after having Brooke, the frequency of such events has seemed to decline :) Anyway, it is obvious I got pregnant.
I think it was about 10 or 11 days past my guesstimated ovulation date (28 day cycle), I took on of the cheap dollar store tests. (I had just gone out that weekend and about 10 since I figured I was going to need a few over the next coming months) So I took my first of the 10 test in the morning before work and there was an ever so faint line. It looked like an evaporation line and it was really barely even there. Hearing horror stories of early accuracy on dollar store tests I didn't really think anything of it or get too exited. I did spend a descent amount of time that morning at working looking at poas.com or pee on a stick. com, or some website like that comparing my "line" to other dollar store tests. It is a pretty good reference, but again, I wasn't getting excited or anything.
After telling all of this to my SIL she was freaking out, saying how she would be out buying the expensive test and how she couldn't believe that I wasn't freaking out sitting at work not knowing. Being that it was only 10DPO I figured that even if I took another test, it would probably be negative since it wasn't my morning pee.
Well I guess it kinda work on me, so I went to Cost Cutters in Parsippany and picked up one of the EPT Digital tests. So there I am, in the bathroom at work, peeing on a stick......and PREGNANT....I couldn't believe it. I was sooo excited!!!!
So this takes me to the story of telling Eric. I couldn't come up with something too cute, but I decided to wait until he got home and have Brooke hand him the PG test. He was in the kitchen and off I sent Brooke from the other room with the test saying go take this to Daddy. At this point she was just over a year and on her way to give it to Daddy, she put it in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had put the cap back on and everything, but it was still really gross and really funny at the same time. Eric saw it and after reading it his response was, "What the heck is this"....followed by "I didn't think it was happen that fast" Well, we all know it only takes once. (Married March 15th, last AF was April 25th).
When I say BARELY a line...I really mean it:
Baby Test 10DPO
10DPO-But there are some shadows
EPT Digital-Mid-Morning Pee, 10DPO
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