Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19th, 2007

We found out we were pregnant early May 2006. We were given the due date of January 14th, 2007. Both of us were so excited, but I was a little nervous at the same time. Pregnant and not married. Now I know it was 2006, but for those of you who know me, I had always done everything "the way you were supposed to." And getting pregnant before I was married was not what anyone would have expected. Even still we were both very excited. A few people knew as soon as it happened, but for most of the family, we waited until we made it past the first trimester mark to share the news.

This pregnancy couldn't have been anymore perfect. It was pretty much your classic textbook case of pregnancy. Besides having heartburn, pregnancy was REALLY, REALLY agreeing with me. Our first trimester screenings came back great, we really had nothing to worry about there. At this screening the technician asked us if we wanted to know what the sex was. We had been planning on finding out, but we thought it was way too soon. Since the tech. made the offer we figured we would take it. He said he couldn't be 100% sure and that we would need to check at the anatomy scan, but it looked like we were having a BOY! We were pretty excited, but weren't going to go to crazy until the anatomy scan. (Good thing we didn't)

The time for the anatomy scan came, and much to our surprise...we were 100% having a girl. So I am not sure that the first technician saw, but it makes for a funny story...whatever was there must have disappeared! It was a little weird for me thinking that I was having a boy for a few weeks, then being told it was actually a girl, but I adjusted and was still just as happy. So, if they offer to tell you the sex at the first trimester screening, I would wait until the anatomy scan! Everything looked great on the scan. It was a really weird experience for me because I knew I was pregnant, but still wasn't even really showing at all, and up on the screen in front of me is this fully (as far as anatomy goes) developed baby moving around, kicking, arms, legs, face and everything. It really is crazy how this whole pregnancy thing works! It is the funniest thing watching your baby wiggle all around for the first time.

So 40 weeks came and went without any issues. Besides being tired of being pregnant, things were going great, but I was ready to be DONE ALREADY!! I had been off from work for 4 weeks now and besides being huge I was getting extremely bored. You can only do so much shopping and watching tv. But, she was nice and cozy in there. At our 40 week appointment, we were scheduled to be admitted to the hospital on Sunday January 21st for cervadil, followed by an induction the morning of the 22nd. At least by now, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. A worst case scenario would be that I would have to wait until the 22nd. I could handle that.

Well, on Thursday, January 18th, I woke up to some minor cramping. IT felt like your usual time of the month cramps. I was definitely excited. This had to be the start of something for sure! I let it go for a little while, not to much was going on, but being a first timer, I called the doc and they went ahead and told me to come in for a "labor check". Eric came home, took me to the doc, and I was my first internal exam. God was that awful! On top of that, I was, "maybe, a finger tip dialated" WONDERFUL! So I went home and just tried to walk around and get labor going on my own. Eric wouldn't take one for the team and have sex with me (even though the doctor and my grandmother who was an OB nurse told us to), so it was up to me. By the time we got home, everything pretty much stopped and I was kinda bummed.

Around 4:30 PM on the 18th, the contractions came back. They still weren't painful, but they were definitely more regular. About every 20 minutes or so. I was so afraid that they were going to stop again. By the time Eric got home we decided to go out to dinner, because it was probably going to be the last time in a while that we would be able to go out. We went to Chili's! It was soooo yummy! I kept having contractions all through dinner and throughout that night. They still weren't too painful, so we just sat around watching TV. Around 10:30 Eric decided to go to bed since it would be the last good nights sleep for a long time. Little did he know that Wednesday the 17th, was going to be his last good nights sleep for awhile.

I decided to lay down with him, but I knew I wasn't going to be getting too much sleep. Things were starting to pick up, and I had a feeling tonight was going to be the night. So lay there, contractions getting stronger, looking at the clock every time I had one to see how long it had been in between. They were getting closer and more painful. By 1am, I could barely handle it. I woke Eric up (his exact words were...."are you sure, doesn't the paper say we are supposed to wait until the contractions are 5 minutes apart"....he has never liked being woken up), called the doc, was bending over the sink with each contraction, swinging my hips praying for it too pass quickly!

We were at the hospital and admitted by 2am on January 19th. I was only 1-2cm dialated. I couldn't believe it, I though by now they would say something like 4-5. Boy I had a long way ahead of me. Contractions were about every 3-5 minutes apart and I already wanted the epidural, but I though that you had to wait until you were at least 5cm before you could get it. Much to my surprise about 20 minutes went by and the nurse asked if I wanted it. My exact words were, "I can have it already?" She found that amusing, and needless to say...I got the epidural.

I thought the epidural would be the magic solution,a nd had it worked properly it would have, but my epidural didn't work on my left side. My right side was numb, but I could feel everything on my left side. After laying on my left side for a long time, trying to get the meds to work on that side, still nothing. I guess only feeling a contraction on one side is better than feeling it on both?

The anesthesiologist had to come back and give me more meds for it to work on my left side. It finally worked, but I was REALLY numb by now.

Now I was supposed to try and get some rest?? Yeah right, with all the monitors for the heartbeat, one for the contractions, a bloodpressure cuff going off every five minute. It was more like lay there and wait until it is a descent hour to call people. I think I made it to 6am before I called anyone. Now it was just time to wait.

At about 12pm or so they broke my water and things really started to progress. Around 1pm my Mom and sis got there. They were going to relieve Eric, so he could get some lunch. Around this same time my epidural started wearing off on my left side. I remember laying there, just listening to them talk because I had to concentrate on the contractions. The nurses came in while Eric was gone because I was in so much pain on my left side, checked me,and it was time to have a baby! Go figure we had to wait for Eric to come back :)

It wasn't a great feeling...feeling like you really have to go to the bathroom....and the nurses telling you no...that is just the baby. At that point, I didn't care if I had to go or not. But the nurses were right, and it was just the pressure from the baby making her way down.

The nurses said the pushing was going to be easy because I was able to feel the contractions. Good...I guess?? So being able to feel EVERYTHING on my left side we started to push this baby out! It was horrible feeling the contractions on my left side, but it was also motivation, to get her out so the contractions would be over.

We started pushing around 2:10 and Brooke was born at 2:40pm on January 19th. She was 7lb, 5oz and 21 inches long. As soon as she was born, it was like the whole labor process never happened. I was no longer in any pain and she was finally here! I remember her cry fro the first time (wish I had it on tape), it was the cutest sound I had ever heard. I didn't want to let go of her!

The next few days were a whirlwind....but were amazing.

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