March 20th, 2010
Just shy of 14 months
Well....WE survived. It was all fun and games until they brought out the little cape to cover him. Not only did that require moving is drink, but it covered up his arms as well. NOT A FAN...AT ALL!!
So I snapped a few pics and then saved the little man with his blanket. I am SO glad I brought it. There he was, hunched over, almost in half, snuggling his blanket and holding onto it for dear life. Like maybe if he held it tight enough, everything would just go away and it would be all over. It stopped the tears, but he still looked terrified!
After a lot of mommy kisses and a lollypop, he started to come around...and by the end he was "okay" with the whole thing. To top it off, they gave him a little rubby ducky toy that was perfect for him to chew on! (1st year molars will be talked about in a later much I hate molars!!)
I love the new "do" and now he really looks like a little man! I am sad he is old enough that he needed it cut, but I am glad I did.
During and After:
Not a fan of the cape....
Saved by blankie
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