So mad I didn't get all of Brandon's face in this first shot. The lighting was great and he looked really cute, but he was walking and see what I got. I still like it a lot so I am posting it even though it is only half his face.
No I haven't forgotten...but nothing has seemed blog worthy these days. Not that interesting things haven't happened, but oh well...getting back on track.
We spent Memorial Day at Mimi and Doc's and much to my surprise Brooke still hasn't learned any curse words. We (I) had a lot of fun (no pictures) though this visit...I'm not sure why. I blame part of it on the fact that the day of the bbq I had the worst hang over I have had in the past 3 years. God it was awful! Thanks to Amanda's birthday and some very smooth cosmos...ugg...Still haven't tasted a drop of alcohol since.
I think there are some pics floating around (of the kids....not my performance)...maybe I'll get them up here if I get ahold of them.
Brandon's molars are all finally through, now he just needs to learn to chew without grinding them horribly me the chills just thinking about it.
Brooke has been loving the nice weather because she gets to go in our little pool almost every day. I don't mind because it gives me a nice break from entertaining at the same time.
All in all things are going well for the Selander crew. Kids are happy, Mommy and Daddy are happy, things are going well for Lander Pharmaceuticals, great way to start the summer.
Some random end of May pictures.
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