At 4 Brooke is:
31lbs-17th percentile
39"-not sure what percentile
When she was born she was in the 20th percentile at 7lb, 5oz. At a year she was 18lbs, 6oz. At 2yrs she was 25lbs. I need to get a hold of her records so I can compare her stats with Brandon. Anyway, neither are going to be really big kids. Doc says genetics and her current height have her being approx 5'3" as an adult.
She is enrolled in pre-school 3 days a week and joins Mommy and Brandon in Music class one day a week. She sleeps through the night. She has pretty much given up her nap. Some days she is sent off to rest time, some days she falls asleep and others she stays awake the whole time.
She complains that she doesn't like school, but says she likes her teacher and is always happy when I pick her up. She gets up and gets dressed happily in the morning until I mention "school"....then the whining, complaining, and doing everything as slow as possible starts. She even tried to pretend to throw up the other day so she didn't have to go to school. Not very promising starting that behavior in pre-school. She is going to be a fun teenager!
Both her tubes (2nd set, 10/10) have fallen out, hoping her eustachian tubes have matured enough to ward off any more ear infections. Speech, hearing, motorskills and everything else is on track.
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