Sunday, June 12, 2011


While the world was watching Prince William and Catherine Middleton get married, I was patiently waiting for Aunt Flo to arrive.  Our timing was late this month, there was no chance, I had already written it off and wasn't expecting anthing out of the ordinary.  No symptoms, no heartburn, no being tired.....NOTHING.  I have had more symptoms plenty of other months.

Just for fun that night at dinner I asked my sister to bring over a dollar store test. (I had been randomly testing the past few months hoping my husband would slip up here or there)  Wasn't going going to be positive anyway, but since she had a dollar store test...what the heck.  Took the test, looked at it for a minute, no line.....figured.....threw it in my bag....picked my beer back up and went downstairs to eat dinner. 

30 minutes later...what the heck, lets take a second look.  Hmmm...suspicious, little, barely there, kinda, maybe, pink or gray line.  Definitely an evap line.  I have had that happen before, that is why they tell you to look at it within 3 minutes then THROW IT AWAY AND DON'T LOOK AGAIN.  Whatever....that is impossible to do anyway....I ALWAYS look again.   Positive it was an evap line, but kept looking at it.  I guess that is what I get for not waiting the whole 3 minutes to see the final results.  Maybe I should put my beer down, or maybe I should finish the last few sips....they might be my last for a while.

So what does that mean?  A text picture to my sister-in-law and she is convinced it is pink, and convinces me to take a trip to target, a mile from my mom's house, to get a digital test.  You can't mess that up right?  So my sis and I walk out of Target with a pregnancy test and a tub of vanilla ice cream.  Yeah, we were laughing just about as hard as you are right now.  Maybe we should by a magazine too, or some chocolate.

Went home, drank WATER.  Finally around 8:30 or so, I truck up to the bathroom, pee on a stick and wait.  Heart racing, this can't be possible this month, not sure why I am even nervous, tick, tick , tick

OMG....WHAT???  COMPLETE AND TOTAL SHOCK!!!!!!  Looks like we are pregnant with #3.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Woohoo! Very exciting news you've been keeping for the last month or so :-).

  2. WOW! :) :) :) Yeah Wendy :)
