So when the doctor said Brandon could eat pretty much all table food except shellfish, nuts, honey, and eggs, he probably didn't think he needed to add leaves to that list...
At a play date today, Brandon was minding his own business happily eating cheerios on the floor. I left him with his Aunt for about 2 minutes while Brooke had to go to the potty.
When I came back, Aunt Kris asked if he normally stuck his fingers so far down his throat that he gagged. I said I wouldn't say it is normal but he has done it before. Looking a little teary eyes, he proceeded to gag once or twice more. I thought he probably just had a piece of cheerio stuck in his throat, so I held him up, patted him on the back, looked in his mouth and he seemed ok. Not quite right, but he was breathing fine and wasn't choking or anything.
So he did the gag face again. Still thinking he had a piece of cheerio stuck in his throat I figured I would nurse him to try to help him get it down. He would not latch on...very weird for him. Again he was still breathing fine, but was definitely acting a little weird.
I thought that maybe when he shoved his fingers in him mouth that maybe he scratched his throat so maybe that was bothering him. (I had been meaning to cut his nails for a few days now...but you know how that gets done, when I happened to remember it when he is on the changing table) So...since he wouldn't nurse I figured I would go get him a straw cup with some water to see if that would help. After gagging again, he took a few big gulps and he was ok.
So back up to the play room to play. For a good 5 minutes or so, he was playing across from his cousin Sierra (6 months) on a big play square thing. Then I started tickling him and he was laying down and threw his head back, mouth wide open.....AAH HAA
A huge piece of leaf about the size of a nickel (a descent size for his little mouth) was stuck on the roof of his mouth. It must have been just far enough back that he couldn't get it off with his tongue and it was making him gag. He must have picked it up in transition when I got up to take Brooke to the potty and before Aunt Kris made it over from Sierra to him to make he wouldn't get in trouble...
Earlier in the day I had been talking to someone saying that my biggest fear with Brandon is that he will choke on something since absolutely every single thing he gets a hold of goes in his mouth....He must have been listening :)
I feel bad, but he is fine. We will be doing a sweep of the house making sure ever little toy or piece of dirt or foliage that can fit into his mouth is put away.....for a very long time!!
Maybe Fall will be his favorite season. Winter may be my new can't choke on snow right??