We got our Christmas tree really early this year. We got it yesterday. I grew up going and cutting down my own tree, but the kids are too little to deal with all the walking and everything that goes with cutting your own tree down. So for now, we go to a really cute farm place and get one that is already cut. The people that own this place aer always incredibly friendly and have a dog running around...which Brooke loves!!
So we got the tree and put the lights on it yesterday. Today we decorated it. Brooke was into the whole decorating process this year. She loved digging through the storage containers, pulling out the ornament and seeing what it was. After she was done, we did have a little re-decorating to do.
As far as Brandon and the tree....surprisingly he didn't eat it. He could care less about it and didn't even try to grab it. It would have made for some fun pictures, but oh well!
Her favorite branch....I must have taken 10 ornaments off this very same branch!
Some fun X-Mas PJ's....They were not into having their picture taken....but they look cute anyway!
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