Besides the weather being a little dreary, halloween was great this year. It was the first year that Brooke was REALLY into it and knew what was actually going on. She wanted daddy to take her to all of the houses, but came running back to Mommy each time (I was stationed at the wagon with Brandon and Mimi), bag wide open, yelling "Mommy, they gave me a treat!!!" It was so cute to see her in action this year.
Her costume wasn't too creative, but what can you do when your 2yr old is obsessed with dogs. We have been a dog for 2 consecutive years now. Hopefully next year she will be into something else. If not, oh well....she can be whatever she wants.. right??...until she is a teenager :)
Brooke lasted about an hour and a half before she was getting hungry (Mom forgot to pack chicken nuggets) and decided to call it a night. With encouragement from all of us to keep going, she proudly sat in the wagon and I quote said "I have had enough" It was the way she said it that was hilarious! She had all of us lauging, and heading home.
When we got home she dumped out her whole bag and got to pick out a treat or two before winding down and calling it a night. Just a note-a pixie stick is not a good choice at night time :)
She wasn't so sure about the "pumpkin guts" at first, but as you can see, she got into it!
The day after halloween....
Brooke woke up and was saying that her legs hurt! I guess we didn't use the wagon enough. I asked her why her legs hurt and she said it was becuase she walked to far then she pointed at her little calves!! Poor thing got a good work out!
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