I sucked it up and had a combined birthday for the two of them this year, even though I really didn't want to. I wanted to give each of them their own day, but when it comes down to it...Brandon had no idea what was going on anyway.
On Brooke's actual birthday (1/19), we did whatever she wanted. We went to story hour with Mrs. Michelle, then to build a bear and stuffed a dalmation dog. We came home for a little "rest time" then it was back out to the party store to pick out a balloon. A $9 Diego balloon later and we had a pretty happy 3yr old.
On the 23rd we had their party. Upstairs was decorated with a sports theme and downstairs was Diego. I should have decorated the upstairs with Blackberry's but they didn't have anything at the party store. Saying he is obsessed is an understatement. The party started at 3, and both kids were having a pretty good time. Brandon was off on his nap schedule, so he actually went down at 4....right in the middle of the party. It kinda worked out because while he was sleeping, we had Brooke open up her gifts. Before I knew it, it was 5 and I had to wake the boy up, or he was going to be up all night.
Big Mistake.
First of all he was not happy about that. Being woken up with a hosue full of people was even worse. Then how dare I put him in front of chocolate cake after all of that. He wanted NOTHING to do with it. Everyone staring, waiting for that "first birthday cake on the face moment" that didn't happen because everyone was staring waiting for it. All he wanted to was be left alone to eat blueberries.
We sang to both of them, Brooke loved it. Topped off with ice cream cones and sprinkles for her. Brandon eventually opened his gift the following morning, well rested, with much less of a crowd.
On his actually birthday (1/26), we got the cake eating shots with a much happier boy. All in all everything went well. 3 and 1.....wow!
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