So here goes...
When you are pregnant, one of the changes is that you really don't lose and hair. Your nails are all nice and all that fun stuff, but after the baby is born and your hormones change, and you lose all that hair that you should have the past nine months. In my case it is handfulls upon handfulls of hair at a time in the shower. We even have a broken snake to show for it. It comes out so much in the shower that as I am washing my hair, I put the handfulls on the side of the tub to minimize what makes it to the drain. Pretty GROSS....not to mention it looks like a dead mouse in the trash can.
It happened with the first pregnancy, but with Brandon is was WAY worse. I looked like I was having a female balding issue...seriously. My hairline up until a a few months ago, looked a lot like Brandons current hairline....slowly receeding on both sides of my forehead.
I am glad to say that it is all grown back like normal, which I am happy about, but it is incredibly annoying to try to wear my hair back in a pony tail. I look like i have 2 poofy horns sticking out on each side of my head! It is all whispy and just plain ANNOYING. The only way I can hide it is with a headband, or by wearing my sunglasses on my head all the time including indoors and when it is not sunny..... It is totally worth it...duh... but it is so freaking annoying. I'll be glad when that is back to normal....
I don't have a lot of pictures because of how much I can't stand it, but here is the best shot I have. I have none of the "horns", but maybe I will take one just to upload it.
Receding hairline at 10 months:
Check out my can see my scalp back so far....just like my little man...
(This picture still doesn't do it justice, but you can get the idea):
I went searching for recent pictures of me and since this is a side shot, it doesn't do it justice, but you can get the idea. I need to take one straight on...The fuzziness growing on my head:
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