Sunday, January 3, 2010

What Makes for a Good New Years?

A new front tooth and a double ear infection...If you are talking to Brandon that is. His second front tooth popped through on New Years day. You would have never known if you hadn't been looking for it since he slept like a champ the night before. He was only up one time to nurse, and in our house, that IS sleeping like a champ. Actually since Christmas night, he has only been up one time to nurse, with the exception of New Years day, night....if that makes sense. This takes me to my next topic....

New Years Day night, Brandon was up every hour. I knew something was up! It was a tough call because of the teething and everything, but at 11:30 the following day we ended up at our peds office. Sure enough, double ear infection for the poor little man. His left ear which was infected last time was the better of the 2. His right was a lot worse. He just has his last infection on 12/18 and finished the meds from that ear infection five days before this last he is on some stronger stuff this time. Hopefully it will get rid of it and we won't be back before his 1yr well visit on the 27th. Ahh...I can't believe my little boy will be 1 in a few short week...time flies.

So as far as the ears are concerned, we will take a look at them at his one year and may be off to the ENT for their opinion.

The only good thing about him getting so many ear infections, is that is make me feel a little less horrible about sending Brooke to daycare. I was convinced she was getting so many because she was at daycare with all those other kids and germs, but it looks like it is hereditary after all.

Poor guy has had 4 in two months. Hopefully we can get this cleared up and make sure he is hearing well and not on meds every other week.

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