Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Class Without Me....Already??

Today Brooke had her first gym class without me. It doesn't feel like she is old enough for that, but I guess she is. Less than a week and my little girl will be 3. I can't believe it! So I have said this a million times, but time really does fly. At class today, she ran in without even looking back. She couldn't have been happier to have gym class "without mommy"
I stayed out of the class except to change the bomb Brandon dropped while we were watching her through the glass windows. I'm glad I stood and watched the whole time, because it was really cute when she would peek up and look for me, because she was excited about something she had just done...(so maybe she needs me a little)...I'll just tell myself that.

She really adjusted well. She did great at the beginning of the class for the warm up, but she needed a little encouragement to stay in her group afterwards. When the warm up was over they broke the kids up into 3 groups for little skills and circuits in different areas of the class. Brooke's favorite by far is the bars. Needless to say she needed a little encouragement (maybe a lot) to stay with her group. I stopped counting after a while, but the teachers kept her on track and point her back to her group, or went and got her. She did escape quite a few times to go hang on the bars. She did a great job for it being her first class without me especially since the class was much more structured than the class she is used to. (right now, the 2-3yr old class, they have skills of the week, but they can do them if they want, and if they don't they can just around and do whatever they want....which kind of explains why she kept trying to fun off today)

I can't believe she is old enough to do solo classes. So cute! I don't know where the time went!

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