Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer is Almost Over

Brooke had a big month this month. She enjoyed the Farm and Horse show for the first time. After Daddy made Mommy paranoid about animals gone wild, Mommy and Brooke successful rode and elephant...without ending up on a segment on Animal Planet.

Brooke seemed to start an obsession with shoes this month. No matter what size or who they belong to, she want the shoes on. Hopefully this won't turn into a Jimmy Choo obsession later in life...

Also this month, Brooke survived a whole week without Mommy. While Mommy was off for her MBA in Pittsburgh, Daddy was left to take care of Brooke. I think the majority of people were more worried about Daddy, then about Brooke. Daddy receive offer for help which included offers to take Kacee off his hands and numerous call asking how being Mr. Mom was going.

Well, everyone survived with flying colors even if that meant animal crackers for breakfast every morning.