Thursday, March 31, 2011


So much for taking pictures every day, that didn't work out so well. 

Even though I didn't do so well with my pictures, the kids have learned a few fun new things. 

Brandon loves to ask "Why Mommy", up until now, I had forgotten how much fun that little phrase isn't.   (It actually is still pretty cute when he says it)

Brandon also seems to think he is old enough to drink out of a cup that doesn't have a lid on it....he still needs a little practice

He learned that while falling asleep on the floor while trying to avoid a nap is an acceptable place to sleep, however a bed is much better

Brandon is OBSESSED with wearing sunglasses of any kind and his Yankee's hat, in the past 2 weeks he has gone to bed wearing his hat 90% of the time.  That is going to do wonders for his already receding hairline...

The little man also started an obsession with the toilet.  He requests to go potty every time Brooke does.  The requires de-robing, onesie un-buttoning, diaper off....he may be showing signs of being ready, but I'm not

Piggy backing off of Brandon, Brooke asked me if she could go potty standing up like Brandon does....hmmm...

She is NOT a fan of being woken up for school, I feel like she is already a teenager sometimes....literally have to pull the covers off of her and drag her out of bed.  It is great on the weekends, but is a real challenge on school days

She no longer likes macaroni and cheese or grilled cheese and requests dinner at Friendly's and Fudruckers

Brooke also started playing soccer with daddy with her pink soccer ball (we are still searching for a purple soccer ball)  We haven't signed her up for a team, but she really enjoys kicking the ball around with Dad...Come on nice weather!

She is getting over her "fear" of getting water in her face and is actually showing more of an interest in showers than baths

Overall, both kids are doing really well and everything in the Selander house is going great.  Hopefully there will be more than 3 post in April :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More Pictures

So the pictures a day thing didn't work out...big surprise, but I do have a lot of pictures from our past weekend trip to PA.  It was the first time we headed down there since December so it was nice to be back.  With warm weather around the corner it was a nice reminder of all the fun things to do down there especially in the summer.  We made it swimming to the Y twice, the Please Touch Museum and Eric and I even managed a night away, alone, in Old City.

It was great seeing the kids having a blast with the family and friends.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello March

Spring has got to be around the corner.  I am welcoming March with an attempt to become better friends with my camera, which the lack of pictures from February reveals is needed.  Call me crazy, but I might even attempt to take at least one picture a day. Happy March.

I think I am off to the right start.