Friday, January 30, 2009

Say Hello to Brandon Jon

Well January was quite a busy month for the Selander household. Brooke is officially a 2yr old, even though she has been acting like one for the past 6 months. We managed to save her birthday party even though a huge snow storm was expected (ended up with only 3 inches). We are glad we had her birthday when we did because she has moved on from Blue Clues and now prefers Dora.

On the 26th at 1:58AM we welcomed Brandon Jon. He was 7lb 2oz, and 19 and 3/4inches. He is a lot like his dad was when we was a baby and doesn't complain too much. So far he is pretty chill so he is making things seems somewhat easy around the house for now. Unlike his sister, we should invest in pampers. He is setting some records in the diaper department....making his Daddy proud. Somehow Eric has managed to avoid changing a single diaper but I have only gotten hit twice so far.

Brooke is adjusting to the changes very well. She asked for her brother to join her on the bed the other night to jump around....we had to explain to her that he is still too little for a lot of those activities. So it is pretty busy around here...keep checking back for more updates.

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