Monday, January 4, 2010

Nursing and Sleep Schedule

I am proud to say that my son Brandon doesn't even know what a bottle is. Brooke on the other hand did, because I had to go back to work, but I pumped every two hours and made sure she had the good stuff all the way up to 1yr, when I weaned her during the day.

Lucky for Brandon, I didn't go back to work. As we are fastly approaching the 1yr mark with Brandon, I am sad and happy to be weaning him at the same time. I am going to miss the cute stuff like the way he looks up at me when he is about to finish and smiles and the closeness that you get when you are nursing, not to mention the free "work out" that I am getting. We need to get things going so we can go for number 3..if you know what I mean....not that I miss not having my monthly visitor. It has been almost 2yrs now, besides right after Brandon was born. Anyway, back to what I was saying

He is only nursing 3 times a day, and once in the middle of the night. Initially I was worried it would be harder to wean him than Brooke because I am at home, but he likes table food so much, that he doesn't really ask for it even when I am giving it to him now. I know he needs it until a year so until then, I am not going to not offer it to him until then.

I am happy to say that Brandon is only up one time a night these days which is such a relief and we aren't' co-sleeping anymore. I co-slept with Brooke until about 14 months when she transitioned to a double bed. The only trouble with the transition was that she liked me to stay in her room until she fell asleep. So far, Brandon is ok falling asleep without me in there, so I am hoping that the transition will be easy for him as well. He is already on a twin bed (hence the not co-sleeping anymore). The bed was just to small, I was waking him up, he was waking me up, it was just plain awful.

For about a month after I moved out of the room I was in there 2 to 4 times a night to nurse him, and all of a sudden it is down to just 1 time a night. He goes to bed anywhere from 7-8:30 and is up at 7:30am. I am so glad he is finally figuring it out on his own. He WAS the most awful sleeping baby there ever was. He has come a long way! I am sure there are people saying he shoudl be sleeping through the night and not be up at all, but I will take what I can get. I'm sure it won't be long before he gives up his last night feeding. So until then, I will take being up one time a night versus 3, 4, 5 or 6. (yes, there were times where he was up 6 times a night nursing.....worse than a newborn!)


  1. aw, you're such a good mommy! I remember how hard it was to wean my twins. so emotional! and, wow, how in the world do you not get your kids to roll off the bed?? mine can hardly stay in the crib!

  2. I think Brooke just might have been afraid to get out...I don't know. To this day, she will stay in her ben in the mornings until I go in and get her. She knows how to open her door, but she doesn't come out. She will sit there away with her animals and books and just wait for me!
