Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Selander, Party of Five"

I can't even begin to describe how happy I am at the ways in which both Brooke and Brandon accepted Leah into the family.  Seamlessly is the only way to describe it.  They love her, want to help with her, want to be right next to her, amd beg to hold her.  They way they interact with her couldn't make me happier. 

In terms of the family in general, Leah really does fit in seamlessly.  Her transition, besides a little bit less sleep, has been EASY!  Who would have thought that the 3rd child would be easier than transitioning from 0 to 1, or 1 to 2!  I know thats not what I expected. 

Even though each child is a blessing, while being pregnant, the thought of the unborn child brings a bit of fear and guilt to you as a mother, in terms of the children you already have.  At least it did for me.  I experienced it while pregnant with Brandon, worry and feeling bad about the attention that Brooke would lose, and the same feelings were there this time around.  As soon as Brandon was born and same for Leah, those worries diappeared, and were erridacted completely when Brooke and Brandon met Leah.

These first 2 pictures, thanks to my sister in law, capture Brooke and Brandon's faces, the moment they saw Leah. Obviously, I was not there in the morning to do Brooke's hair :)

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