Monday, December 28, 2009


Christmas this year was by far the bext since Brooke has been born. It was the first year that she really "got it". She was so cute the night before and in the morning running out to the tree. It was a really great feeling seeing her so excited.

Brandon could really care less. He just wanted to eat the paper. He was actually fairly cranky on Christmas. He didn't want to go down for his first nap (do you blame him) and finally went down around 11 or so. He only took ONE nap all day. I don't know how he made it up from about 12:30 to 7:30 or so....but he did Mommy a big favor and only woke up ONCE that night!! Ever since then he has only been up one time a night to nurse. It is such a huge help to me. I guess he sleeps better when he is teething....go figure! Cry it out isn't an option for me, so I am so glad he is figuring it out on his own finally.

Another new thing for Brandon is that he has decided to sleep on his stomach these days (no still not crawling yet, but getting better). I know he is old enough for it, but it still drives me crazy. I wish he would just sleep on his back...ohh well. I am not going to wake him to roll him over, so his stomach it will be.

So back to Christmas....we were at it for about 2 hours in the morning. Brooke opened up everyones gifts and then tried to guess who they were for. She was more excited about the Rudolph the Red Nose wrapping paper than she was about some of the gifts. Having the two of them really brings back a lot of the excitement during the holidays! I can't believe they are almost 1 and 3. Time is flying!

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