Monday, November 9, 2009

Brandon 9.5 Months

This post is more for me too look back on when I have the next baby (Eric if you are reading this...yes there will be a #3 despite what you may think)

Since feeding Brandon fingers foods he has pretty much refused anything that heads his way on a spoon. I sometimes can get him to eat yogurt, but that is about it.

When I am eating he actually starts crying and throwing a babytantrum if I don't give him a piece of what I am eating.....

At this point he is already eating:
Mac & Cheese
Chicken Nuggets
Grilled Cheese
Stuffing (only because I was eating it and was trying to avoid a meltdown with him)
Potatoes (same as the stuffing)

He also has been drinking from a straw cup since about 8.5 months. Water most days, sometimes pear juice if need be.

When it comes to nap time, he has a morning nap, usualy around 30-60 minutes long and and afternoon nap any where from 1 hour to 2.5 hours. Sometimes he needs a quick 20-30 minute nap in the evenings. So he is napping 2 times most days and some days 3 naps.

As far as sleeping is concerned, last night was a good night for Brandon. Went to bed around 9PM, nursed at 12:30ish, 3:30ish, 6, and then was up for good around 6:30. He played in bed until aroudn 7:15, until I finally ahd to get up and get the morning started. Normally he gets up around 7:30, but he is still adjusting to the time change. It has been really hard to get him back to normal since we switched the clocks back.

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